VPS Server Hosting in New Zealand

New Zealand VPS hosting represents the middle ground between advanced and basic or dedicated and shared server hosting.

New Zealand VPS Server Hosting

When it comes to software usage, there’s not much of a difference between dedicated server hosting and New Zealand VPS hosting. Both dedicated servers and virtual private servers offer full root access. The main difference between a virtual private server and a dedicated server lies in the use of hardware resources. Also, virtual private servers are far more cost-effective than dedicated servers. The virtual private servers from Onlive server, for example, come at a very low price of $49. Onlive Server ensures to offer New Zealand VPS Server Hosting – Cloud VPS Hosting for the valuable customers at a reasonable rate. Our VPS hosting services offers you full control over the operating system and hence allows you to install & run virtually anything using our VPS server. Our VPS plans facilitate you to scale up the server resources as per your need.

Deploy Your Cheap VPS Server Hosting in New Zealand

Name OS CoreRAM Harddisk Bandwidth IP DC Location Monthly Price
New Zealand VPS Custom1 1 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Auckland, New Zealand$30.00
New Zealand VPS X11 GB30 GB SSD500 GB1Auckland, New Zealand$30.00
New Zealand VPS Y22 GB60 GB SSD1TB1Auckland, New Zealand$57.00
New Zealand VPS Z44 GB120 GB SSD2TB1Auckland, New Zealand$111.00

Features Of Our New Zealand VPS Server Hosting

Uncontested Performance

Your entire resources will be with you and every VPS hosting plan will seem to have full plan resources which are provided at all times. We never oversell our resources rather you will get what you pay for.

Offers Root Access

Every unmanaged VPS server comes with full administrator or root access by offering you the capability to implement whatever applications or packages you need and install them how you like.

Windows or Linux

Select the OS which works for you such as windows or Linux as well as their appropriate distributions & versions that are found out-of-the-box. If you are in need of something more specialized then you can likely get them as well.

24×7 Management

For any essential applications of websites, we highly suggest for our managed hosting services. Our team of support professionals will monitor your web server & respond to the problems round the clock so you can focus more on your business progress.

Expert Support

If you are in need of help then we are here to assist you 24×7. Our qualified teams of experienced designers are available to help you through several issues as quickly as possible.

Powerful Hardware

We always choose the best hardware for our server and we also thoroughly test them before to ensure high performance and stability. However, SSD storage is common across the entire product range.

Some of the most frequently asked questions about virtual private server hosting are as follows:

There are a number of reasons why users generally require new server passwords. They can use the control panels for creating new server passwords but this is possible only for the administrators or the root users.

Virtual private servers are generally maintained in virtualized and shared environments where there are several virtual units running on a single host server system. These units share RAM and COU cores. Access to RAM and CPU cores comes as a guarantee but sharing hardware components might have an impact on the different units and their work procedures.

Yes, the hosting providers and their technicians play an important role in minimizing the impact of malicious neighbors on VPS servers. But chances of server malfunctions are very low when making use of a virtual private server hosting solution.

Virtual dedicated servers are the servers that offer the advantages of both virtual private servers and dedicated servers. Several virtual dedicated servers exist on a single physical server by way of virtualization. Each of the virtual dedicated servers have their own hardware resources which means that they have computing power that can readily be used for running applications individually.